Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TORY JOHNSON'S SPARK & HUSTLE : Launch And Grow Your Small Business Now -Available June 5, 2012

Launch And Grow
Your Small 
Business Now
Available June 5, 2012
Being a classroom teacher for twenty years, I never really had any thoughts of being an entrepreneur. Since leaving teaching, the thought has crossed my mind more than once. Tory Johnson's Spark & Hustle has really ignited my desire to follow
 my true passion in life. 
Working for myself and chasing my own dreams has always been in the background, something that seemed so far out of reach. I must say that after reading this book, I have had to rethink many of my excuses that have blocked to path to my own success.
Tory Johnson shows the world how to turn passion and purpose into profit!
I was so pleased to dive into Spark & Hustle: Launch and Grow Your Small Business Now, published by Penguin Putnam, as part of the Role Mommy Book Club. 
The book was inspired by thousands of past conference attendees who wanted a take home guide.That is exactly what this book is, a step by step guide to creating your own success where you are your own boss. 
What I loved most about the set up of Spark & Hustle is the clear cut organized path to success plan. In the words of a teacher, it's a workbook to your own success!
Topics were touched upon from discovering your real spark and stepping outside of the box to make it a true success.
There are questions for you to answer that will guide you and checklists to help you keep track of your goals and the way to attain them. Tory Johnson has done all the legwork that would take you years to figure out. I just love it! 
Creating a one page business plan to guide your company's launch  and tips about business laws had me feeling like I could "do this".
After reading Spark & Hustle: Launch and Grow Your Small Business Now I felt empowered! I felt like I had the information I needed to get myself organized and heading in the right direction.
Spark & Hustle is available by clicking here.

Open publication - Free publishing

Disclosure: This book was provided to me as part of the Role Mommy Book Club. All opinions are that of Diane Sullivan. Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. "This book is a definite stepping stone on the way to your own success". DS

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