Thursday, May 31, 2012

China's Terracotta Warriors at Discovery Times Square NYC

China's Terracotta Warriors
Now at
Discovery Times Square NYC
226 West 44th St.
Between 7th&8th
China's Terracotta Warriors is a story that most of us have heard about, but few of us have ever imagined being able to get within a foot of the statues that have been a mystery for years and years.
Right now at Discovery Times Square NYC, you can walk among China's Terracotta Warriors. They are right out and life size literally right in front of you!
I could not get enough of this exhibit. If you have never heard about the background story let me give you a quick rendition of it. Actually, the exhibit is set up in three chronological stages. When entering the exhibit you are first taken into a room with your group. Groups are let in at a designated time so that the exhibit is not overcrowded. You are first shown a quick movie (about 5 minutes) that teaches the history of the Qin Dynasty and about the First Emperor's rise to power. He takes over the Dynasty at the age of thirteen. This is followed up by the significance of the Terracotta Warriors, and the peaceful life of the ensuing Han Dynasty, which established Chinese traditions still reflected in the Chinese Society till this very day.

The Terracotta Warriors stand more than six feet tall and weigh about 600 pounds each. They were created more than 2,000 years ago in order to protect China's First Emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, in his afterlife. Qin Shihuangdi created massive armies and conquered all states founding the first united China. He was also responsible for building the Great Wall of China and the massive national road systems that have continued to evolve over the centuries.
The Terracotta Army was accidentally discovered by farmers in 1974 while digging. 
The exhibition features artifacts dating back to 221 BC, including the world premiere of a set of gates from an ancient Han Burial Chamber, the US debut of more than 20 artifacts, and a very up close look at ten of the authentic, life-sized clay soldiers and their armor.
You will not be disappointed with this exhibit at all. There are many mini statues of armies as well as animal statues of every animal you can imagine.
I was amazed by the tools and armor that adorned the soldiers. It was incredible to me to walk among Chinese history and felt honored and a bit overwhelmed to be among the actual Terracotta Warriors that guarded China's First Emperor. This exhibit is wonderful for adults and children of all ages (depending on their abilities). My children aged 21, 12 and 5 enjoyed and learned at this exhibit.
Even my five year old came out of the exhibit with the knowledge of how and why the Terracotta Warriors existed and how they were found. The meaning of the exhibit is quite clear and displays are very thorough and informative. 

The exhibition created and produced by Discovery Times Square in partnership with China Institute lets us experience a unique and personal way of understanding China's history.
Discovery Times Square is open seven days a week. Tickets are available for $19.50(child 4-12) $25(adult) $22.50(65+).
Special savings for groups of 10 or more. Last tickets sold 60 minutes before closing.
For more information Facebook and Twitter, 866-987-9692
Disclosure: Special thanks to Discovery Times Square for review tickets.
All opinions are that of Diane Sullivan.

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