Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December! The Perfect Time To Snuggle Up And Watch Netflix! @Netflix #StreamTeam #Netflix

December: The Perfect Time To Snuggle Up
 and Watch Netflix
It's December! Feels hard to believe in so many ways but here we go into the holidays and winter. Along with cold weather comes a lot of snuggling up and watching Netflix in our house. There are so many shows to choose from that will make your kids smile and of course when they are asleep, there is also many choices for the adults in the house. We are also awaiting King Julian who makes his big debut on December 19th! Who does not like to Move it, Move it!? He is definitely a family favorite around here. Where ever the holidays take you, make sure you take Netflix along. PS: It makes a super gift for your friends and family! Also, if you have not seen Christmas With The Kranks- You have to! It is just hilarious!

Curious George

in search of santa


And for teens and parents...

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New Year's Eve Mocktails Anyone?

Cheers to the New Year with these two "mocktail" recipes, champagne glasses included. Bake your own chocolate chip cookie stick for a cookies and milk toast, or keep it traditional with a sparkling cider. Clickhere to learn how to make your own.

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