Saturday, June 9, 2012

Madagascar 3 Screening With Jada Pinkett Smith

Madagascar 3 
Screening With
Jada Pinkett Smith
On June 8th DreamWorks Madagascar3 opened nationwide. 
I was lucky enough to be in an intimate group of women 
invited to the Paramount Screening Room, NYC to feast my eyes on the wondrous film.
The event was hosted by The Moms, who can really event plan with the best of the best.
 You know it is going to be top notch if Denise Albert and Melissa Gerstein 
have anything to do with it! 
We had a chance to chat with old friends and meet some new ones as we sampled 
the new Carpi Sun Super V and delicious NYCake Pops!

We were definitely Madagascar3 ready as they entered the 
screening room to be met with over 100 
Afro Circus wigs, one adorned each seat.
It was not long before the movie began. I am not embarrassed to admit that I am kind of 
a Madagascar movie expert, having watched the dvds over and over at home with the children.
So, I was more than happy to gear up and watch number 3. 
I love 3d movies and this one put some of the other 3d movies to shame.
Madagascar3 had our screening audience roaring out loud with laughter!
We were a room of adult women and we were laughing! 
Everyone enjoyed it!
Madagascar3 is wonderful for all ages. I attended the Madagascar3 Premiere at The Ziegfeld the night before with my husband and three children who span from 21 to 12 to 5 and they all laughed!
We loved it as a family and I loved it the next day watching it for the second time.
To tell you the truth I enjoyed it just as much, if not more.
Now, if that was not enough-just to spend time with friends and enjoy some goodies and the movie, the true gift was still waiting for us. 
As everyone focused on the credits in silence, it seems that Jada Pinkett Smith (who plays Gloria the hippo) made her way down the steps and gave us all a shout, "Why is everyone so quiet?". 
What a way to relax everyone and let us know just how down to earth and real the 
conversation would be.
The Moms hosted a wonderful "talk" with Jada  and then the audience was given a chance to freely ask anything they thought worthy. Jada was so open and extended herself beyond just answering questions. She made us laugh and even made a few(or many) of us cry at one point with her stories.
Her openness about life, work, and her family surpassed any expectations that I had.
Although there were many points Jada made that I thought were important, I loved the fact that she
advised every mom in the room to make time for themselves. She told everyone to take a few hours and use them for they needed, something that made them a better woman. Mom's need to take time to take care of themselves so they can better take care of their children. I would have to agree and it's something I have a very hard time doing, but hopefully am getting better at it!
Thanks, Jada, and thanks to The Moms. 
You are the best!

Disclosure: Screening event provided by The Moms.
 All opinions are that of Diane Sullivan

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