Friday, March 9, 2012

Let's Chat With Ronnie Faisst..Nuclear Cowboyz

Let's Chat With...
....Ronnie Faisst Nuclear Cowboyz

Recently, I had a chance to check out Nuclear Cowboyz. What a fantastic night! You can read about our night by clicking here!  I also had the chance to catch up with Ronnie Fiasst  before the show. Wow! He is extremely talented, very humble, and could not have been any nicer. Thanks for the great interview Ronnie and best of luck achieving your goals!

Diane: Hi Ronnie. First up. Although I have two sons that are pretty daring, I hate to admit it, 
but I don't know a lot about motocross. Can you quickly fill me in for all the newbies?

Ronnie: Sure. Motocross is a form of competitive motorcycle racing. Freestyle Motocross (FMX) is a variation of the sport where riders compete with aerial tricks and complicated stunts. Nuclear Cowboyz is a non-competitive but intensely choreographed FMX show where the tricks and stunts include riders jumping side by side as well as three wide flips and trains of up to 12 riders at once.

Diane:What age did you begin riding? When did you know it would be something you would want to wrap your life around?

Ronnie: I started racing when I was 8 years old and by the time I was 10 I knew I wanted to go to the pro level.

Diane: Scariest moment?

Ronnie: Scariest moment(s) for me were the three years that I worked on landing a 360 at the X Games (2006/2007/2008) in 2006 I crashed which resulted in a broken my wrist and separated shoulder. In 2007 I tried twice and crashed both times – broke my foot on the second attempt. Finally in 2008, I landed it!

Diane: Most exciting ride?

Ronnie: The most exciting moment had to be finally landing the 360…it was a major personal achievement! That was enough though, haven’t done one since!

Diane: How much time do you put into practice/riding?

Ronnie: When I am home for a regular time block, I mainly ride the track at my house Monday through Friday and take weekends off. If I’m on tour, I usually only ride two days a week at home.

Diane: How do you prepare mentally for an event?

Ronnie: Mental preparation is important for me. I like to listen to worship music and I pray. I find that these two things help me get focused. I still get nervous so these things help!

Diane: What is your life like when you are not riding? How do you keep grounded into reality?

Ronnie: I keep busy at home by taking care of my house and track. I like to do yard work and do track maintenance. I just bought a dozer, that’s been really fun. I also spend a lot of time making sure I stay fit and I go to church.

Diane: Tell me about the tattoos. I'm intrigued by them. First tattoo?

Ronnie: I love tattoos, got my first one when I was 14 years old. I got a dragon on my foot. My Dad took me to get it.

Diane: Tell me about your faith in God.

Ronnie:  I became a Christian six years ago and when I did my whole lifestyle changed. I try to be my best for God and others now.

Diane: It seems that you went with your heart and reached for the top. What advice do you have for others?

Ronnie:  It takes a lot of hard work and time to get to the top, but if you believe you can do it, you can and you should never give up.

Diane: What goals do you have set at this point? What do you see in your future?

Ronnie: I earned a Bronze medal in Speed n Style at X Games two years in a row (2010 and 2011.) This year, my goal is to bring home the Gold. I also continue to keep my faith and live for God. This is my life goal.

Disclosure: Review/Giveaway tickets thanks to Nuclear Cowboyz. Special thanks to Ronnie Faisst.
All opinions are that of 3decades3kids/DianeSullivan

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