Friday, February 17, 2012

The New Atkins For The New You Cookbook Launch Party NYC and Let's Chat With...

"The New Atkins 
For The New You Cookbook" 
Launch Party NYC
Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc. and Chef Donatella Arpaia
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the NYC book launch of 
"The New Atkins For The New You Cookbook: 200 Simple and Delicious Low-Carb Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less". The event, hosted by Atkins and Donatella Arpaia-celebrity chef, restaurateur and new mom was inspiring! 
Atkins is the original low-carb weight loss plan that is based on an extensive scientific body of research. Information was flowing and Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc., vice president of nutrition and education at Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. and book author was on hand to introduce us to the book and the new ways of thinking about nutrition.
Colette explained how the body processes foods and helped the group of men and women further understand the Atkins process. 
The new Atkins cookbook is on shelves now and highlights more than 200 tasty Atkns-friendly recipes that have never before been published.
As a real treat, Chef Donatella Arpaia was on hand to cook up some delicious and nutritious healthy Atkins foods from the new book.

Sauteed Onion, Black Olive and Goat Cheese Pizza
Roasted Ginger-Tamari Salmon Steak

Donatella is known as a judge on Food Network's "Iron Chef America", "Next Iron Chef" and a regular contributor to the "Today" show. Chef Donatella Arpaia delighted everyone with her cooking talent with demonstrations showing some of her favorite Atkins Cookbook new recipes. She prepared Sauteed Onion, Black Olive and Goat Cheese Pizza, Shaved Fennel Salad with Lemon Dressing, Roasted Ginger-Tamari Salmon Steaks and Crust less Ginger Cheesecake with Lime-Sour Cream Topping. There were also appetizers to choose from including vegetarian, non-dairy, and proteins. There was something for everyone. The consensus was that the foods were absolutely delicious! It was hard to believe they had anything to do with a healthy lifestyle!
Donatella could not have been any more down to earth as she spoke about her own struggles with weight loss since having a baby. This is something many women deal with for years after giving birth. She shared how tough it was to begin a lifestyle change, but how she can already see changes in herself due to her new devotion to the Atkins program. Chef Donatella and Atkins have teamed up in support of each other.
Colette Heimowitz also let the attendees know that, "The Atkins Diet is designed to flip the body's metabolic switch from burning carbs to burning fat. Graduated carb introduction helps avoid blood sugar and insulin spikes, which cause hunger and cravings resulting in overeating and weight gain". Everyone was educated about the diet's long term well balanced plan that can fit into any lifestyle. Following the Atkins plan may result in up to a 15 weight loss in the first 2 weeks. This plan is time tested and scientifically validated.
"The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook" retails for $19.99 and available wherever books are sold or at

Let's Chat With...
....Chef Donatella Apraia
After the event concluded I did have a chance to chat with Donatella. We did have a common ground since both having babies in our 40's. She had her first and I had my last. It seems that Donatella really has her mind set on the reaching the goal and with the help of Atkins, I'm sure she will get there at a steady pace.
I also could not help but let her know just how delicious her cooking  that day was, what an absolute treat for the senses!
Here are a few questions I asked Chef Donatella.

Diane: Since your life and career both are surrounded by delicious foods, what is the biggest challenge you face trying to stick to the Atkins plan?
Donatella: The great thing about Atkins is that you can eat out at restaurants because there is always something on the menu that fits with the plan. As a chef I'm always around great food, so a diet that restricts calories is not for me. The other great thing about Atkins is that I am eating healthier than I've ever eaten before. I eat many more vegetables and lots of lean protein!

Diane: Congratulations on being a new mom! How do you plan on ensuring that your child(now just a baby) will develop healthy eating habits?
Donatella: Thank you. My son is 3 1/2 months old so I don't have to worry about his eating habits yet. One thing I have heard is that mothers are the main role model for their children's eating patterns. I hope to be a great example to my son by eating a wide range of fruits, veggies, and proteins so he can grow up and live by my example, getting all the essential vitamins and nutrients he needs to thrive!

Diane: What advice do you have for anyone beginning Atkins?
Donatella: Any time you make a lifestyle change you have to give it time to run its course. Crash dieting is not a healthy approach. What I love about Atkins is that it is gradual and sustainable weight loss.

Special thanks to Chef Donatella Apraia for taking time out of her busy life to conduct this interview. Best of luck to Donatella in the future with her baby, husband, career, life and Atkins! Thanks for the delicious afternoon! Very Appreciated...Diane Sullivan

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