Thursday, October 20, 2011

CSI Experience at Discovery Times Square

CSI The Experience 
Like to solve crimes? Interested in cracking the case? 
CSI The Experience may be just for you. Upon entering the exhibit, you will be given your CSI vest, photographed behind a desk, given a clipboard and assigned one of three cases to solve. The first room is the Crime Scene room. There are three different crimes. I suggest if you want the least graphic, you stick to the car crash, which is better suited for younger investigators. While you are in this room you become the CSI investigator, observing and recording as much as you can about the crime

After exiting the scene, you continue through an open maze following the path of your"team" to gather additional evidence and see how samples are analyzed, or if they should even be analyzed. The exhibit  takes you through the steps of a crime scene and puts the Scientific Method to work! As you progress through you actually get to compare your findings with evidence stored in the computer and video presentations you are shown. These will  explain how blood samples found differ in patterns (drips splattered, transferred-print and how that helps to indicate the type of crime). You continue along until you narrow the field of possibilities down and make your guess at who you think is the culprit and even how the crime occurred. The computer takes your information and let's you know if they agree with you or not. Hopefully, they do and you have now solved the case! Upon completing the task you receive a certificate(via email) showing you completed The CSI Experience and have the option of purchasing your photo and diploma.
If this sounds like something interesting to you, I would not miss it!
So, you think you can solve the crime? Maybe you can or maybe it's something you never could have imagined!
CSI The Experience is open now at Discovery Times Square Exhibition. You can check it out and buy tickets here.
Disclosure: Review tickets were provided by Discovery Times Square. 
All opinions are that of Diane Sulivan/3decades3kids.

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